Tuesday, October 25

Blend in with the crowds

Eye shadow- free form boots with the new Lash adapt mascara 
Mascara- "  " 
Nail varnish- 17 lasting fix in Forever 

Hey peeps.
CBA to do a outfit post today so i decided to do one on the few cosmetics i have got over the past 2 days. I only bought the mascara because it came with a free eye shadow, but surprisingly No7 have done pretty good with this one! It actually says what it does on the tin, I am impresses! 
They eye shadows are good.. unfortunatly i hardly ever wear eye shadow.. takes too long as i like to mix colours and do smokey effects, i believe eye liner is much faster! 
The nail varnish i am very shocked about- i always wear bright colours but i thought that it was time for a change something less noticeable but sophisticated :L HA Never the less i like it, and i think it is a good one to have. 
For the rest of the week me and my adopted cousin are traveling round derbyshire.. not like there is much to do but its a experience for her. My other cousin is coming to stay for the weekend on thursday- friday we are going to alton towers and saturday we are gonna do a major shop! 
leaving you with this, enjoy you week! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the eyeshadows!

